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Flexible Library Scheduling


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We use a monthly calendar for teachers who then have the choice to sign up for a weekly, bi-weekly, or as-needed classroom circulation in the library.  Most teachers choose a specific day of the week and time in order to accomodate their schedules.

During open access time (time when classes aren’t scheduled), students can come for individual circulation or research.

Flexible scheduling is the most effective way of providing library services when they are most needed.  It allows the library media program to become fully integrated into the curriculum and help strengthen the teaching process so that students can develop vital information retrieval and research skills.

When a teacher and a class are in the library during classroom circulation times and while in the library the teacher assists their students in making appropriate choices and help them practice appropriate behaviors. 

Teachers can also sign up for instructional unit collaboration with the LMS.  This is the catalyst for making an integrated program work.